Don Roulo
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To inquire about having Don lead a Workshop or speak to your group, please call or email us.
© Copyright 2014 Life Quest Coaching.  All rights reserved.
‘My Daily Prayer’ App for children is uniquely personalized for you and your children, you and your grandchildren or any special children in your life.  

What makes ‘My Daily Prayer App’ for children unique is you personalize this app by uploading a photo of the children who God has placed in your life. You then record their voices saying something to help remind you to pray for them each day.  

As you are reminded to pray you see the photo of your children and hear their precious voices encouraging you to take just a few moments to pray for them. Sometimes in our busy lives we can forget to take the all important few moments to say a brief, but powerful prayer that truly makes an eternal, life changing impact on them.

There are 365 daily prayers. You can have confidence in your prayers, knowing that your daily prayer is directly is from the Word of God. It is a great blessing to know you make a difference in your children’s lives that will affect them throughout their entire life.

Please check out our app at the Apple App Store and on Google Play for Androids...Look for 'My Daily Prayer'
On this page you will find products for purchase.
We will be updating this page as new products become available.
The Roulo Girls
My Daily Prayer App for Children - $2.99
Personality Profiles
48 Days Personality Profiles
“This computerized profile will reveal your God-given personality strengths in the workplace and enable you to utilize that information in your job search, or as you seek out business opportunities and self-employment ideas. It’s like a foundational road map that you can use as a filter for truly finding the Work You Love.” – Dan Miller

And more importantly, the complete Life Quest Standard Personality Profile includes the supporting features below to create a clear road map for finding the ‘Work You Love’.

 •Understanding your personality style
 •Motivational Characteristics of you behavioral style
 •Communication DOs and DONTs
 •PowerDISC – discover your strengths
 •Action Plan – to improve interpersonal skills

To learn more click the banner above.​